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Monday, November 17, 2008

November Recipe of the Month

Chicken Yiaourti

4 large skinless boneless chicken breasts
1 cup of Greek yogurt
1 tablespoon thyme, chopped
1 teaspoon of rosemary
juice of a lemon
Salt and Pepper

Preheat oven to 375 degrees

Wash chicken breasts. Place in a large oven safe casserole dish. Make a few 2 inch wide x 1 inch deep slices on both sides of the chicken breasts.

Spoon the yogurt all over the chicken, cover generously and push into the cuts of the meat.
Sprinkle a lite dusting of nutmeg on top of the yogurt. Squeeze the juice of a lemon on the meat. Sprinkle the thyme and rosemary evenly over the chicken and season with salt and pepper.

Place in your preheat oven for about 45 minutes or until the tops are a golden brown.
Enjoy with your favorite rice, pasta, potatoes or veggies.

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